This is a portal for intercessors all over the world to interact and unburden themselves with fellow brethren, In other to be motivated and share in their sufferings in the Lord. 

To be an intercessor doesn't mean you have to be laid hand upon or a ceremony to your calling. Rather if you have an in explainable urge to see the world a better place and you have a deep burden to pray for individuals you know nothing about. and when you see the sufferings of others it affects you in ways you can't explain and no mater what you as a person is going through you still pray for others not minding your difficulties. Putting others first before your personal needs, The Lord has called you into the ministry of Intercessors. What this means for you as an individual is that you are a pillar in the eyes of God. and your Job as an intercessor stays the hand of God in Judgement and also stays the hands of the evil ones. 
If you go back to the bible the book Genesis from Chapter 18 16-33 when Abraham begged for Sodom and the Lord was willing to spare Sodom if he can find 50 righteous men we know how the story ended but by Abraham standing in the gap for Sodom and Gomorrah the hand of the lord was almost stayed against Sodom, imagine if men had stood in gap at that time, the tragedy of Sodom and Gomorrah could have been averted. 

In essence We are building a global league of intercessors whose duty is to change the narrative of Christians in the universe and by this mandate anytime the Global league of intercessors come onto God for anything or a request He the Lord will grant it. Be it war, famine, drought, hunger. whatever thing it is the lord by his covenant in his word that says if those that are called by my name would humble themselves and come before me that I the Lord will answer and heal their lands 

The Lord has called us that we might not pray amiss, rather focus all our prayers and supplications as a group that we might get a speedy answer. so that the alter of intercessors might begin to speak again over the world. For this movement join us and you can follow our Facebook and register on our website. 

